+ What are "Regenerative Agriculture" and "Holistic Grazing?" Why should I care?
These methods produce the most nutrient dense foods, produce the highest quality of life for livestock, and do so with a net-positive result on the environment. They produce win-win-win systems.
Regenerative agriculture, parallel to regenerative medicine, operates along a philosophy of beyond-sustainability. The idea is that land (specifically grasslands in the case of bison ranching) can not only be productive in perpetuity, but that the productivity itself can be improved and increased over time. For example: a given plot of grassland may support 10 bison today, and if it is managed properly, could support 20 bison in several years.
In a holistic grazing model, bison are allowed to graze on a plot for a few days before being moved to a fresh area of grass. The bison fertilize the soil and grasslands while they graze. This not only ensures that the bison have access to high-quality food, exercise, and sunshine (that's where the vitamin D comes from!), but also ensures that each stand of grass has adequate time to recuperate from being eaten.
These grazing techniques and revolutionary models for agriculture will produce high quality food now for you and I, and will produce even higher quality food for future generations.
However, the terms are not regulated, and essentially any company can claim "regenerative" status. The bison we source from are categorized as Land to Market EOV (Ecological Outcome Verification). This ultimately means that the ecology of the land our bison are raised on is scientifically verified to be improved through the grazing practices of the rancher and bison.
If the reader is curious about these carbon-sequestering nutrient-dense-produce-producing agricultural practices, they could and should pursue further research. Recommendations would start with Joel Salatin, Allen Savory and the Savory Institute, and simply searching for "regenerative agriculture."
+ What quantities of iron, Vitamin A, Copper, selenium, and other nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are present?
We have not conducted full nutrient analyses on 100% Grassfed Bison Liver & Organ Complex. While bison organs are some of the most nutrient-dense substances in existence, many of the benefical and bioactive compounds in the organs are not tested for in a nutritional analysis or bio-assay. Potential and actual benefits of consuming organ meats can be read about here.
+ Why are there unequal amounts of each organ?
We use the organ ratio that naturally occurs in the whole animal. This ensures that no organs are wasted from each bison, as well as ensuring you are consuming the organs in the complete ratio that nature intended--this is the same ratio that has been consumed by our ancestors, likely for tens of thousands of years.
+ Why bison? Why not beef or buffalo?
Bison are actually synonymous with the North American Buffalo, but "bison" is the technically-correct name for the animals colloquially referred to as "buffalo" in the United States. Bison is preferred to beef, as it is anatomically similar to the game consumed by our ancestors (such as the steppe bison in Europe). It is also more nutrient-dense than beef with the exception of just a few vitamins/minerals.
Bison are also native species to North America, and we think there are fewer foods considered "paleo-friendly" than native animals raised on native grasses on their historic habitat.
+ Are the bison grass-fed and grass-finished?
Our bison are 100% grass-fed and grass-finished, and are never fed grain. They have access to open grass-covered pasture their entire lives, and are able to fully express their bisonness everyday. They are never confined.
+ Are the bison raised and harvested humanely?
The bison are raised with the highest standards of animal husbandry, both living and dying with dignity. The bison are raised on a small family ranch that prioritizes the quality of life of the bison. Every bison grazes on open range and pasture, and are exposed to sunlight (producing vitamin D), fresh air, and weather conditions (bison may be the original Wim Hoffers) everyday--just as their ancestors have for millenia. These bison fully express their bisonness everyday, and live a life without stress from predators. We hope to have field-harvested bison soon.
+ Are the organs cooked or processed in any way?
The organs are not cooked or heated in any way. The organs are taken directly from the frozen state into a lyophilizer or freeze-drier. The organs are freeze-dried or dessicated until 99% of the moisture is removed, and the organs are then shelf-stable. This processing method preserves integrity of over 97% of bioactive compounds, and is the most minimalist processing method we know of.
+ Have the organs been bled? Is Blood present in the supplement?
Our animals are butchered and fully bled by artisanal butchers. We utilize a small midwestern butchering business that takes pride in their work and properly handle the offal with skill. Blood is comprised of roughly 90% water, and this mositure is removed through the freeze-drying process. Blood plasma may be present, but not more than would be present in a steak.
+ You say your product is high integrity, but why isn't it organic?
Organic certification can indicate integrity, but it does not necessarily imply it. For example, there are some cows raised on organic grain that never get to express their cowness or graze open pasture as adults. These animals are not healthy, athletic, or something we would want to consume--however, they may be labled "organic." Conversely, our bison are raised with exceptional husbandry standards, and far exceed most certified-organic operations. The ranch we source from utlizes holistic grazing and regenerative agriculture methods as endorsed by Allan Savory, Joel Salatin, American Grassfed, and Holistic Management International.
+ Do the capsules have any carbohydrates?
Our supplements are completely void of any sugars or carbohydrates.
+ Do the capsules have any plants or plant-based ingredients?
Our supplement and capsules are 100% carnivore-friendly and do not utilize anything from plants.
+ Does the plastic bottle contain BPA or other hormone-disrupting plastic?
Our black bottles are made of HDPE plastic, and our amber bottles are made of PET platic--neither contain any BPA or other known hormone disruptors.
+ How big are the capsules?
The capsules are size 00 and contain 500mg of organs each. They are about 2cm long and less than 1cm wide, and are each roughly the size of a standard multivitamin. Some customers who cannot swallow capsules choose to empty the contents into a beverage, soup, stew, yogurt, or other food.
+ What is a suggested serving size? How much dried Liver & Organ Complex is equivalent to a raw liver?
We suggest 6 capsules (or 3 grams) of Bison Liver & Organ Complex per day. This correlates to roughly one ounce of fresh organs. If you are consuming this everyday, that is an adequate intake of organ meats (equivalent to roughly 7 ounces of organ meat intake per week). If you have any problems tolerating 6 capsules a day or notice any detrimental effects to your health, we do recommend scaling back to 1 capsule per day, and increasing the dose by 1 capsule each week (or as tolerated) until reaching the full recommended dose. For example, you could consume 1 pill per day for a week, then 2 pills per day for a week, and so on until achieving 6 pills per day. Alternatively, if you have specific goals such as raising iron levels etc., you will want to correlate supplement dose to blood levels.
+ How long does one bottle last?
One bottle contains 180 capsules, which is a 30-day supply if taken at full dose.
+ Why are these so expensive?
We maxmize integrity and quality of product, and avoiding any/all shortcuts to achieve a higher profit or lower cost. Everyone involved is paid fairly including the ranchers, butchers, freeze-driers, and packagers. We are a very small business, and like to support other small businesses--and we do so locally whenever possible.
+ Can I open the capsules and empty the contents into a beverage, yogurt, or something else to consume them?
Absolutely--these can be mixed with anything. If you choose to do this, we do recommend consuming the mixture immediately. Rehydrating the raw organs can encourage microbes and pathogens if the organs are not eaten immediately.
+ Are these halal and/or kosher?
Our products are not certified halal or kosher, but are butchered with a high level integrity by a small family-based butcher in the midwest. All aspects of the harvest are done with integrity.
+ Why do you source bison from the United States?
The majority of bison's historic habitat and range is in the United States (as well as parts of Mexico and Canada). We are based in the US, and have a strong preference for doing business locally whenever possible. Utilizing native species on their native lands is part of our ethos.
+ Does this contain brain, spinal cord, or nervous tissue?
We do not utilize any brain, spinal cord, or nervous tissue, and they are not included in our products.
+ Is freeze-drying the same as dessicating or dessication?
Dessication, freeze-drying, and lyophilization all refer to the same process and are interchangable terms.
+ Can this product have an effect on sex drive and/or hormones?
Many customers report an increase in sex hormones after taking the product for a few weeks. This of course can correlate to a higher sex drive or higher ambition, drive, and focus in general.
+ How bioavailable are these?
As is typical with whole food complexes, the bioavailability is much higher than with isolated or purified compounds (i.e., a fruit vs. vitamin c tablet). Consuming 100% Grassfed Bison Liver & Organ Complex will certainly yield higher bioavailability of all nutrients than a regimen of synthetically derived and recombined vitamins/minerals/nutrients.
+ Do these pills have a scent/aroma? Do they give an unpleasant after-taste or burps?
There is a mild but neutral aroma to the pills, and they do not cause unpleasant taste or burping.
+ Can I purchase these using a FSA or HSA?
Unfortunately you cannot use these accounts to purchase our supplements.
+ Do you ship the product frozen, refrigerated, or with a cold pack?
We do not ship Bison Liver & Organ Complex in these states. After being freeze-dried, the complex is completely shelf-stable and does not benefit from refrigeration, freezing, or keeping cool.
+ How long does it take to fully metabolize the supplements?
While dependent on individual activity levels and metabolic rates, Bison Liver & Organ Complex should be completely out of the body within a few days of consumption.
+ Can I overdose on Vitamin A or other vitamins/minerals using this?
Our Bison Liver & Organ complex contains both Vitamin D as well as A, reducing liklihood for toxicity. While possible, we have not had any reports of customers with Vitamin A toxicity (or any other toxicities) from our product.
+ Are hormones, steroids, vaccines, or antibiotics used on the bison?
These bison are not exposed to hormones or antibiotics, and using steroids on bison is illegal (and the practice is certainly not used on our bison!). The bison are vaccinated.
+ Are the bison GMO or fed GMO?
The bison are not genetically modified or fed genetically modified foods.
+ The organs are uncooked--could the product contain salmonella, E. Coli, or other harmful pathogens?
Our organs are 3rd party lab tested for salmonella after freeze-drying. The freeze-drying process removes moisture, eliminating possibility of pathogenic inoculation or proliferation.
+ Are the supplements safe for post-menopausal women?
These products are safe for pre or post-menopausal women.
+ How does freeze-drying effect parasite and pathogen populations?
The freeze-drying process removes moisture, eliminating possibility of pathogenic inoculation or proliferation.
+ How many grams of protein are in each serving? Fat?
We have not conducted a nutritional analysis or bio-assay on 100% Grassfed Bison Liver & Organ Complex. However, the supplment is relatively-high in protein with smaller amounts of fat present. Our organs are not de-fatted.
+ Are the gelatin capsules sourced from grass-fed bison or beef?
The gelatin capsules we use are derived from 100% bovine source. Unfortunately, there currently is not a grass-fed gelatin capsule that exists. However, we are working on producing the first bison-based capsule--which would of course be entirely grassfed!
+ Are these tested for bacteria, viruses, or mad cow disease?
We do test our product for salmonella using a 3rd party laboratory. Our organs are sourced from a butcher who is subject to USDA regulations in regards to mad cow disease, and our products do not contain any brain, spinal cord, or nervous tissue that might convey the disease.
+ Can these affect hair, skin, nail, or other growth?
We get frequent customer reports that the health of their hair, eyes, and skin improve after taking 100% Grassfed Bison Liver & Organ complex for a few weeks. Growth rates generally increase, while thickness/shine of hair may improve, as can appearance of skin and/or clarity of eyes.
+ Are your products 3rd party tested? Is there any kind of lab analysis of the product?
100% Grassfed Bison Liver & Organ Complex is 3rd party tested, and we do have each batch analyzed prior to being packaged. You can e-mail us for the lab report.
+ Does the supplement contain CLA or conjugated linoleic acid?
Yes! Grass-fed ruminant animals are generally rich in CLA, and bison is no exception. Grassfed bison meats, including the organs, do contain CLA.
+ Are these tested for glyphosate?
We do not test our supplement for glyphosate. However, the ranch we source from does not use and have not used any glyphosate on their land or grasses.
+ Are there any additives like fillers, stabilizers, flow agents?
There are no additives whatsoever in 100% Grassfed Bison Liver & Organ Complex. We do not use fillers, stabilizers, flow agents, preservatives, or additives of any kind.
+ Have these been tested for heavy metals?
We do not test our product for heavy metals. The amount of heavy metals present in 100% Grassfed Bison Liver & Organ Complex will be consistent with heavy metal levels in other grassfed bison meats and products--heavy metals may be present, but are in extremely low concentrations. If you are not concerned with heavy metals in your steak, you should not be concerned with our supplement.